

sera has been manufacturing innovative high quality products for aquariums, ponds and terrariums for over 40 years, and is one of the most important manufacturers in these ranges worldwide.

The birth of sera took place in 1970. Josef Ravnak, who already had gained excellent reputation with the sales live food, founds his first enterprise and revolutionized the branch by using the freeze drying procedure, which was new at the time. This allowed conserving food organisms such as bloodworms, Tubifex, Artemia shrimps and Daphnia while optimally preserving the nutrients and vitamins.

From the very beginning, the high quality of the manufactured food is very important to Josef Ravnak. Product quality is permanently increased by careful product control and continuously improved production methods.

sera will research innovative product solutions also in the future and further develop the quality of their established products so aquarists, terrarium aficionados and pond keepers will enjoy their great hobby over and over again.